季宏兵,男,1986-1990年获吉林大学(原长春地质学院)学士学位,1993和2000年度分别获中国科学院地球化学研究所硕士和博士学位。2000年进入中国科学院创新研究基地,任副研究员。2001-2003年在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所做博士后。2003年7月,进入8555tc新浦京工作。现任8555tc新浦京资源与环境旅游学院研究员,环境科学方向博士生导师,首都圈生态环境过程校级重点实验室主任。 研究工作和方向: 近年来参与和承担了国家攀登计划、科技部社会公益基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、自由申请项目、博士后和王宽诚奖励基金项目等相关的研究工作。研究目标集中在环境生物地球化学。 研究方向:一是化学风化与元素循环和气候变化,二是重金属的生物地球化学过程与植物修复,三是化学物质与健康。 教学工作:承担着本科生的《城市规划》、《现代地理学》和研究生的《环境生物地球化学》教学工作。
1. 1986-1990 年间数获长春地质学院院级、系级奖励
2. 1999 年获中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖
3. 2001 年获中国科学院 王宽诚 博士后奖励基金
4. 2006 年入选新世纪百千万人才工程北京市级人选
1. Zhu Y,Chen XB,Wang KB,Bai KZ,Kuang TY, Ji HB .A Simple method for extracting C-phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis using klebsiella pneumoniae , Appl Microbiol Biotechnol,2007, 74 : 244-248
2. Wang LF , Ji HB , Bai KZ , Li LB , Kuang TY . Photosystem 2 activities of hyper - accumulator Dicranopteris dichotoma Bernh from a light rare earth elements mine , photosynthetica , 44(2) : 202 - 207 , 2006
3. WANG Lifeng, JI Hongbing , BAI Kezhi, LI Liangbi and KUANG Tingyun, Photosynthetic Characterization of the Plant Dicranopteris Dichotoma Bernh. in a rare earth elements mine. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology , 2005, 47(9) : 1092-1100
4. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, OUYANG Ziyuan, ZHANG Shen et al., Geochemistry for red residua overlying dolomites in karst terrains of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau: Ⅰ . The formation of the Pingba soil profile. Chemical Geology , 2004 , 203 : 1-27
5. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, OUYANG Ziyuan, ZHANG Shen et al., Geochemistry for red residua overlying dolomites in karst terrains of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau: Ⅱ .The mobility of rare earth elements during weathering . Chemical Geology , 2004 , 203 : 29-50
6. ZHANG Shen, JI Hongbing , YAN Weijin and DUAN Shuiwang, Composition and flux of nutrients transport to estuary of the Changjiang River , Journal of Geographical Sciences , 2003, 13(1), 3-12
7. 季宏兵 ,王世杰,欧阳自远,章申,碳酸盐岩上覆红色风化壳中风化组分确定的一种新模式, 地球学报 , 2003 , 24 (增刊) , 38-43
8. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, OUYANG Ziyuan, et al., The geochemistry of the front in weathering profiles of dolomite. In Cidu R. ed., Water-rock Interaction 2001 , Swets & Zeitinger, Lisse . 2001, 1, 403-406
9. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, OUYANG Ziyuan and GONG Guohong, Comment on: "Pedogenic origin of dolomite in a basaltic weathering profile, Kohala Peninsula , Hawaii ". Geology , 2001, 29(6): 563-564
10. 王世杰, 季宏兵 ,孙承兴,贵州平坝县白云岩风化壳中稀土元素分布特征之初步研究, 地质科学 , 2001 , 36 ( 4 ): 474-480
11. JI Hongbing , OUYANG Ziyuan, WANG Shijie and ZHOU Dequan, Element geochemistry of weathering profile of dolomitite and its implications for the average chemical composition of upper continental crust—Case studies from the Xinpu profile, Northern Guizhou, Science in China (D) , 2000, Vol43 (1): 23-35
12. WANG Shijie, JI Hongbing , OUYANG Ziyuan et al, Preliminary study on weathering and pedogenesis of carbonate rock. Science in China (D) , 1999, 42(6): 572-581
13. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, ZHOU Dequan et al, The first finding of superhigh concentration of REE-rich bed in carbonate rock weathering crusts and its significance. Chinese Science Bulletin , 1999, 44 (Suppl. 2): 104-106
14. 李朝阳, 季宏兵 ,颜文,云南兰坪 — 思茅盆地陆相砂页岩中脉状铜矿成因讨论 — 一种新的铜矿床类型, 《资源环境与可持续发展 —— 涂光炽院士文集》 , 1999 , 20-28
15. JI Hongbing , LI Chaoyang and WEN Jinming, Source of ore-forming material and metallogenic age of the Zheboshan gold deposit, western Sichuan province, China , Chinese Science Bulletin , 1998, 43(8): 684-690
16. JI Hongbing and LI Chaoyang, Geochemistry of Jinman copper vein deposit, west Yunnan province, China— Ⅱ .Fluid inclusion and stable isotope geochemical characteristics, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry , 1998, 17(1): 81-90
17. 季宏兵 ,王世杰,李朝阳,文绵明,松潘 - 甘孜造山带中巴西金 - 矽卡岩矿床成矿热液系统演化的( REE , Sr, O )证据, 矿物学报 , 1997, 18(4): 412-421
18. JI Hongbing and LI Chaoyang, Geochemistry of the Jinman vein-type copper deposit, west Yunnan province, China— Ⅰ .E lement geochemical characteristics, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry , 1996, 15(2): 172-184
1. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, Dong Yunshe, et al., The distribution, fractionation and ecological impact for rare earth elements in its high background regions, Southern Jiangxi Province, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta(Spec. Supp) , 2003, 67(18), A188
2. JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, OUYANG Ziyuan, et al., Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic compositions for red residua underlying dolomites in Karst Terrains of Guizhou Province, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Spec. Supp) , 2002, 66, 15A , 367
3. OUYANG Ziyuan, JI Hongbing , WANG Shijie, et al., Geochemical compositions of carbonate rocks and their acid-insoluble residues: implications for the genesis of dolomite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Spec. Supp) , 2002, 66, 15A , 572
4. WANG Shijie, JI Hongbing , OUYANG Ziyuan, et al., REE geochemistry in the weathering front of red residua underlying dolomites in Pingba county, Guizhou Province, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Spec. Supp) , 2002, 66, 15A , 821
5. SUN Chenxing, WANG Shijie, JI Hongbing , Superhigh concentration of REE and strong negative Ce anomalies at the carbonate rock weathering front. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Spec. Supp) , 2002, 66, 15A , 136n
6. JI Hongbing, WANG Shijie, OUYANG Ziyuan and ZHOU Dequan, Geochemistry and Nd-Sr isotopic composition of carbonate rocks and their insoluble materials: Implications for the origin of carbonate rocks and the average chemical composition of the upper continental crust. Goldschmidt 2000, Oxford , September3-8, Journal of Conference Abstract , V5 (2), pp.557
7. H. B. JI, S. J. WANG, Z. Y. OUYANG et al, Element geochemistry of dolomite weathering profile and its implication for composition of the upper continental crust. Ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference , Cambridge , Aug.22-27, 1999: pp140-141
8. S. J. WANG, H. B. JI, Z. Y. OUYANG et al, Carbonate rock weathering and pedogenesis in the south of China . Ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference , Cambridge , Aug.22-27, 1999 , pp318