2010.10– 2015.7:德国波茨坦大学,古生态学,博士(导师:Ulrike Herzschuh教授)
2007.9– 2010.6:河北师范大学,自然地理学,硕士(导师:许清海教授)
2002.9– 2006.6:河北师范大学,地理科学,学士
2016.6– 2017.8:德国马克斯·普朗克气象学研究所,博士后(兼职)
2015.7– 2018.8:德国阿尔弗里德·魏格纳极地与海洋研究所,博士后
Palmod program funded by German Ministry of Education and Science (2015.07-2018.08, 参与);
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014.1– 2017.12):中国北方森林区主要乔木植物花粉产量研究(参与);
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2006.1– 2008.12):中国北方季风气候区典型内陆湖泊花粉源区面积、花粉沉积动力和花粉沉积通量研究(参与);
2020.5.16:第三届春天花粉论坛(Spring Pollen Seminar, 在线会议);
2019.03.22–03.23:第二届春天花粉论坛(Spring Pollen Seminar),江苏南京;
2019.10.10:中国古生物学会孢粉分会(Palynological Society of China: PSC),四川绵阳;
2013.4.7–12: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria;
2012.10.9–11: PAGES Workshop: Holocene land-cover change in Eastern Asia for climate modeling, Shijiazhuang, China;
2012.8. 23–30: The 13th International Palynological Congress and 9th International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference, Tokyo, Japan;
2012.5.14–25: Introduction to Numerical Analysis of Biological and Environmental Data, Geography Department, UK.
- Tian, F.*, Cao, X., Zhang, R., et al., 2020. Spatial homogenization of soil-surface pollen assemblages improves the reliability of pollen-climate calibration-set. Science China Earth Sciences, 63, 1758–1766.
- Zhang, R., Tian, F.*, Xu, Q., et al., 2020. Representation of modern pollen assemblage to vertical variations of vegetation and climate in the Yadong area, eastern Himalaya. Quaternary International, 536: 45–51.
- Zhang, K., Qin, W., Tian, F.*, Cao, X., Li, Y., Xiao, J., Ding, W., Herzschuh, U., Xu, Q.*, 2020. Influence of plant coverage and environmental variables on pollen productivities: evidence from northern China. Frontiers of Earth Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-020-0834-0.
- Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Andreev, A., Anderson, P.M., Lozhkin, A.V., Bezrukova, E., Ni, J., Rudaya, N., Stobbe, A., Wieczorek, M., Herzschuh, U.*, 2020. A taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen dataset from Siberia covering the last 40 kyr. Earth System Science Data, 12: 119–135.
- 田芳*, 曹现勇, 张冉, 等,2020. 表层土壤孢粉组合的空间均质化可提高气候预测的可靠性, 中国科学: 地球科学, 63: 1758–1766.
- Herzschuh, U.*, Cao, X.*, Laepple, T., Dallmeyer, A., Telford, R., Ni, J., Chen, F., Kong, Z., Liu, G., Liu, K.-B., Liu, X., Stebich, M., Tang, L., Tian, F., Wang, Y., Wischnewski, J., Xu, Q., Yan, S., Yang, Z., Yu, G., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zheng, Z., 2019. Position and orientation of the westerly jet determined Holocene rainfall patterns in China. Nature Communications, 10: 2376.
- Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Dallmeyer, A., Herzschuh, U.*, 2019. Northern Hemisphere biome changes (>30°N) since 40 cal ka BP and their driving factors inferred from model-data comparisons. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220: 291–309.
- Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Li, F., et al., 2019. Pollen-based quantitative land-cover reconstruction for northern Asia during the last 40 ka. Climate of the Past, 15: 1503–1536.
- Tian, F.*, Cao, X., Dallmeyer, A., et al., 2018. Biome changes and their inferred climatic drivers in northern and eastern continental Asia at selected times since 40 cal ka BP. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 27: 365–379.
- Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Ding, W., 2018. Improving the quality of pollen-climate calibration-sets is the primary step for ensuring reliable climate reconstructions. Science Bulletin, 63: 1317–1318.
- Cao, X., Tian, F.*, Telford, R., et al., 2017. Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 178: 37–53.
- Tian, F., Cao, X.*, Dallmeyer, A., et al., 2017. Pollen-climate relationships in time (9 ka, 6 ka, 0 ka) and space (upland vs. lowland) in eastern continental Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 156: 1–11.
- Tian, F., Cao, X., Dallmeyer, A., et al., 2016. Quantitative woody cover reconstructions from eastern continental Asia of the last 22 ka reveal strong regional peculiarities. Quaternary Science Reviews, 137: 33–44.
- Xu, Q., Zhang, S., Gaillard, M.-J., Li, M., Cao, X., Tian, F., Li, F., 2016. Studies of modern pollen assemblages for pollen dispersal- deposition- preservation process understanding and for pollen-based reconstructions of past vegetation, climate, and human impact: A review based on case studies in China. Quaternary Science Reviews 149, 151–166.
- Zhang, S., Xu, Q., Gaillard, M.-J., Cao, X., Li, J., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Tian, F., Zhou, L., Lin, F., Yang, X., 2016. Characteristic pollen source area and vertical pollen dispersal and deposition in a mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved woodland in the Changbai mountains, northeast China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 25, 29–43.
- Mischke, S., Lai, Z., Long, H., Tian, F., 2015. Holocene climate and landscape change in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau foreland inferred from the Zhuyeze Lake record. The Holocene. doi: 10.1177/0959683615612570.
- 李月从, 许清海, 葛亚汶, 李英, 吕素青, 曹现勇, 田芳, 郝利生. 黄土高原中东部沙尘与非沙尘天气花粉组成及来源范围. 地理研究, 33(12): 2367-2381 (Yuecong LI, Qinghai XU, Yawen GE, et al. Airborne pollen assemblages and maximum source area in dust and non-dust weather in the central and eastern Loess Plateau. Geographical Research, 33(12): 2367-2381).
- Tian, F., Herzschuh, U., Telford, R.J., et al., 2014. A modern pollen–climate calibration set from central-western Mongolia and its application to a late glacial–Holocene record. Journal of Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12338.
- Tian, F., Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., et al., 2014. What drives the recent intensified vegetation degradation in Mongolia - climate change or human activity? The Holocene, DOI: 10.1177/0959683614540958.
- Herzschuh, U., Borkowski, J., Schewe, J., Mischke, S., Tian, F., 2014. Moisture-advection feedback supports strong early-to-mid Holocene monsoon climate on the eastern Tibetan Plateau as inferred from a pollen-based reconstruction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 402, 44–54.
- 李洁, 许清海, 曹现勇, 田芳, 丁伟, 梁剑. 2014. 晋冀低山丘陵区人工扰动植被花粉组合特征. 古地理学报, 16(2), 227–238. (Li Jie, Xu Qinghai, Cao Xianyong, Tian Fang, Ding Wei, Liang Jian. 2014. Pollen assemblages characteristics of human disturbed vegetation in hilly areas of Shanxi and Hebei Provinces. Journal of Palaeogeography, 16(2), 227–238.)
- Tian, F., Herzschuh, U., Dallmeyer, A., et al., 2013. High environmental variability in the monsoon-westerlies transition zone during the last 1200 years: lake sediment analyses from central Mongolia and supra-regional synthesis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 73: 31–47.
- R. Zibulski, U. Herzschuh, L. A. Pestryakova, J. Wolter, S. Müller, N. Schilling, S. Wetterich, L. Schirrmeister, and F. Tian. River ?ooding as a driver of polygon dynamics: modern vegetation data and a millennial peat record from the Anabar River lowlands (Arctic Siberia). Biogeoscience, 10, 5703–5728.
- 许清海, 曹现勇, 田芳, 等. 2013. 中国北方典型草原区花粉产量及其定量重建古植被的作用. 中国科学: 地球科学, 43(12): 2016–2028 (Xu Qinghai, Cao Xianyong, Tian Fang, et al., 2014. Relative pollen productivities of typical steppe species in northern China and their potential in past vegetation reconstruction. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57, 1254–1266.).
- Xu, Qinghai, Tian, Fang, Bunting, M. Jane, et al., 2012. Pollen source areas of lakes with inflowing rivers: modern pollen influx data from Lake Baiyangdian, China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 37: 81–91
- 田芳, 许清海, 李月丛, 曹现勇. 2010. 白洋淀湖泊表层花粉通量特征及来源途径分析. 地理科学, 30: 955–961 (Tian Fang, Xu Qinghai, Li Yuecong, Cao Xianyong. 2010. The characteristics of pollen influxes and pollen source dynamics of Lake Baiyangdian. Chinese Geographical Science, 30: 955–961).
- Xu Qinghai, Xiao Jule, Li Yuecong, Tian Fang, Nakagawa Takeshi. 2010. Pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of Holocene climate changes in the Daihai Lake area, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Climate, 23(11), 2856–2868.
- Qinghai Xu, Yuecong Li, Jane M Buntting, Fang Tian, Jinsong Liu. 2010. The Effects of Training Set Selection on the Relationship between Pollen Assemblages and Climate Parameters: Implications for Reconstructing Past Climate. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 289(1–4), 123–133.
- Xianyong Cao, Qinghai Xu, Zhichun Jing, Yuecong Li, Fang Tian. 2010. Holocene climate change and human impacts implied from the pollen records in Anyang, central China. Quaternary International, 227: 3-9.
- Wang, Xueli, Li, Yuecong, Xu, Qinghai, Cao, Xianyong, Zhang Liyan, Tian, Fang. 2010. Pollen assemblages from different agricultural units and their spatial distribution in Anyang area. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55: 544–554.
- Tian Fang, Cao Xianyong, Xu Qinghai, et al., 2009. A laboratorial study on the influence of alkaline and oxidative environment on the preservation of Pinus tabulaeformis pollen. Frontiers of Earth Science, 3(2): 226-230.
- 田芳, 许清海, 李月丛, 等. 2009. 中国北方季风尾闾区不同类型湖泊表层沉积物花粉组合特征. 科学通报, 54(4): 479-487.
- Xu Qinghai, Li Yuecong, Tian Fang, et al., 2009. Pollen assemblages of tauber traps and surface soil samples in steppe areas of China and their relationships with vegetation and climate. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 153: 86-101.
- 曹现勇, 田芳, 许清海, 等. 2009. 氧化环境对油松花粉保存影响实验研究, 冰川冻土, 31(3): 571–575 (Cao Xianyong, Tian Fang, Xu Qinghai, et al., 2009. A laboratorial study of the effect of oxygenation environment on the preservation of Pinus tabulaeformis pollen. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 31(3): 571-575).
- 许清海, 田芳, 李月丛, 等. 2009. 中国北方草原区捕捉器样品与表土样品花粉组合及其与植被和气候的关系. 古地理学报, 11(1): 81–90 (Xu Qinghai, Tian Fang, Li Yuecong, et al., 2009. Pollen assemblages of Tauber traps and surface samples in steppe area of North China and their relationships with vegetation and climate. Journal of Palaeogeography, 11(1): 81-90).
- 张丽艳, 许清海, 李月丛, 王学丽, 曹现勇, 田芳. 2009. 长白山针阔叶混交林带花粉通量及垂直散布年际对比. 古生物学报, 48(2): 222-227 (ZHANG Li-yan, XU Qing-hai, LI Yue-cong, WANG Xue-li, CAO Xian-yong and TIAN Fang. 2009. Comparison of two years pollen flux and vertical dispersion in the mixed conifer and broad-leaved forest of the Changbai Mountain. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 48(2): 222-227).
- Tian, Fang, Xu, Qinghai, Li, et al., 2008. Pollen Assemblage Characteristics of Lakes in the Monsoon Fringe area of China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53: 3354–3363.
- 郑振华, 田芳, 曹现勇, 等. 2008. 中原地区不同植被类型花粉组合特征及对周围植被的代表性. 地理与地理信息科学, 24: 92–97 (Zheng Zhenhua, Tian Fang, Cao Xianyong, et al., 2008. A study on surface pollen assemblage and relationship with vegetation from some vegetation types in Central North China. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 24(4): 92-97).
- 曹现勇, 田芳, 许清海, 等. 2007. 阴山山脉东段花粉通量及其与表土花粉比较研究. 古生物学报, 46: 411-419 (Cao Xianyong, Tian Fang, Xu Qinghai, et al., 2007. Pollen influx and comparison with surface pollen in the east part of Yinshan Mountains. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(4): 411-419).